The Sunshine Blogger Award 2


Thank you so much to Chelsea @ Spotlight On Stories for nominating me for this award! Be sure to check out her brilliant blog 🙂

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator has given you.
  3. Nominate 11 other people and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  4. List the rules and display the award.

1. Which movie would you love to see on the big screen (something that you’d either love to see in the movie theatre again, or an older movie before your time that you never had the chance to see in the theatre and would love to)?
Probably The Fault in Our Stars, it was my favourite book at the time and watching the movie on the big screen was one of the best experiences ever! There were lots of tears involved ;(

2. Which book would you love to read for the first time again?
Definitely A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas! I ALWAYS think to myself that I wish I could read it again for the first time, it was such a wild, angsty ride and THAT ENDING KILLED ME!

3. Do you have a favourite publisher or publisher imprint?
Not really! I don’t pay much attention to which publisher publishes which book(s), but I definitely should pay more attention!

4. If you worked in a bookstore, what would your one staff pick recommendation be, and why?
The Infernal Devices for the younger ones and The Court of Thorns and Roses for the appropriate age groups 😉 Once I was in a bookstore and this lady was asking the staff what book was good for her teenage daughter, the staff recommended TID and I was like “Yes, I approve, it’s an amazing trilogy!” So she ended up getting it! Best day ever ❤

5. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Probably just a piece of paper, tissue (clean obviously), or something like that But I almost always have a bookmark handy.

6. Is there a classic that has been on your TBR for ages?
Yes! I want to read ALL THE CLASSICS, I’m disheartened that I haven’t gotten into classics. So I’ve made it a mission to slowly get into them, that’s why I recently bought A Tale of Two Cities and Jane Eyre. The ones I really want to get to are Pride and Prejudice, 1984 and Animal Farm!

7. What’s your favourite bird?
I don’t actually have one eeek! But we have stunning rainbow lorikeet’s here in Australia!

8. What colour do you wear the most?
Definitely black and grey! I honestly want my wardrobe to consist predominately of black, grey white 😂

9. What are your thoughts on binge-watching? Is it something you do, and if so, which show did you last binge-watch?
I don’t actually like TV… I find it gets on my nerves, and I dunno I kinda feel like I’m being brainwashed?? So I never watch TV, Netflix or any movie on a computer screen for that matter. My family even disconnected our TV services so yeah.

10. What’s your favourite episode of your favourite TV show and why?
So yep, you all know the answer to that one…

11. Do you have a favourite bookstore/used bookstore?
The bookstore that I find the most aesthetically pleasing is Robinson’s Bookshop, I can’t  seem to find a good photo but it’s all dark wood with moody lighting and the best thing is that they have ladders on the shelves!! You’re not allowed to use them but my gosh it makes the bookstore look beautiful! But if I’m talking about buying books, I actually don’t have a favourite, I believe in purchasing second hand, it’s so much better for the environment and it’s 10x cheaper! So I purchase all my books off buy-and-sell websites or at markets, wherever I can find them really! probably 95% of my books are actually second hand (and I own over 300 books… so there’s definitely no issue finding them!)

I nominate:

Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense / Annike and Zoë @ Twin Tales / Jackie @ Too Much of a Booknerd / Naty @ Naty’s Bookshelf

My Questions:

1. Do you ever buy books solely because you love the cover?
2. Do you own/collect multiple editions of the same book?
3. Do you play an instrument?
4. What is one genre you want to read more from?
5. Does anyone else in your family love reading?
6. What is a book you haven’t read but you think will be a 5 star read?
7. Do you take notes while reading?
8. Do you have any other hobbies apart from reading?
9. A book you want to read by the end of the year?
10. Do you keep a book even if you hated the story?
11. What is your favourite time of day to read?

The Friday 56 (3)

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